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As part of a drive to further improve network security and resilience, TelcoSwitch has joined the global initiative, MANRS (Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security).
MANRS is an initiative dedicated to improving resilience and security of the Internet’s global routing systems and infrastructure, built up of a community of security-minded organisations. It does this by encouraging those organisations to implement well-established industry best practices and technological solutions that can address the most common threats.
By joining MANRS as a Network Operator Participant, TelcoSwitch have joined leading technology businesses across a wide range of industries including Amazon Web Services, Google, and Meta.
In being accepted as a MANRS participant, TelcoSwitch commits to continuing its security-focussed approach to building and delivering telecommunications solutions to the market which, along with all participants are subject to ongoing scrutiny by the initiative.
These actions include mitigating DDOS attacks by preventing the propagation of incorrect routing information, facilitating global operational communication, coordination and routing information on a global scale, meeting criteria for preventing spoofed-IP traffic, and allowing the cryptographic validation of number resources belonging to other networks.
These actions are based on well-established industry best practices however they are not exhaustive and TelcoSwitch plan to implement stronger measures and controls wherever possible.
Thomas Kerley, Head of Infrastructure for TelcoSwitch said, “Completing our application for the MANRS initiative is another important step for TelcoSwitch as we continue to expand and evolve our network infrastructure. The threat of DDOS attacks and other security concerns is something we take very seriously at TelcoSwitch.
Kerley added, “Our partners and customers depend on the resilience of our network on a daily basis, and we take our responsibility to them seriously. We believe implementing MANRS actions signals our security-forward posture and demonstrates our desire to reduce routing or security incidents in the future.”


To learn more about MANRS, visit the official site now.
To learn more about the TelcoSwitch network, click here.
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